Team & Contact
in Geneva and in the fieldTEAM IN GENEVA
Being volunteers, our associative work is carried out during our free time, outside our working hours and the time devoted to our families.
Committee Members
- Barbara Frank, President
- Dominique Delley, Vice-president (in)
- Jacques Albohair, executive director, in charge of projects (in)
- Hélène Harment, Secretary (in)
- Paul Gaullier, Treasurer (in)
The members have been part of or still work for the ICRC and MSF (Doctors without Borders) and are familiar with the field of humanitarian aid and development.
The association is committed vis-à-vis third parties by the collective signatures of the President and the Director (according to Statutes and Committee minutes).
between 20 and 30 depending on the year
Postal Adress: Ushagram Suisse, CP 138, 1211 Genève 12, Switz.
eMail: info [at]
Registered at Carouge, Geneva, Switzerland
Non-profit NGOs registered in the respective countries
In India, West Bengal
> Ushagram Trust, Ushagram Vikash Kendra Village, Ushagram P.O., Birnagar, Nadia Dist., 741127 West Bengal. Founded in 1980. web
Contacts: Tanmayee Chakravarty, Bimal Kumar Biswas.
In India, Odisha and Delhi
> Auro Mira Service Society, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Sri Aurobindo Marg, 34105 New Delhi. Founded in 1998. Active in Kechala. web
Contact: Pranjal Jauhar
In Lebanon, Beirut
> arcenciel, Sin El Fil, Rue John Kennedy, Jisr el Bacha, Sin el Fil,
BP 16.5216, Beyrouth. Social entreprise of public utility, founded in 1985. web
Contact: Relations extérieures, Sarah Hani
In Lebanon, in the Bekaa
> Sawa for Development, Majdal Anjar, Zahle Dist., Bekaa. Founded in 2006. web
Contact: Nawal Madallaly (in)
Background and details of activities