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Ushagram Suisse Association
Ushagram Suisse Association2 years ago
A selection of pictures from the training effected in 2022.
The complete album can be found here
Ushagram Suisse Association
Ushagram Suisse Association2 years ago
This year again, with our partner local NGO we could train another 100 syrian refugee kids in the Bekaa, Lebanon, for their integration in the public school system. We have collected enough to train the next batch of 100 as from March 2023 before the launch of our next fundraising campaign.
With thanks and congratulations to our partner "SAWAforDev" and Nawal Mdallaly.
Ushagram Suisse Association
Ushagram Suisse Association3 years ago
Scenes from the November 2021 batch of classes to syrian refugee children in Lebanon to whom, together with our partner NGO in the field, Sawa4Dev, we are giving basic litteracy and numeracy classes.
At the end of the 4-month training period, the 225 children should be able to pass the admission exam for continuing their education in lebanese public schools.
Ushagram Suisse Association
Ushagram Suisse Association3 years ago
Visite sur le terrain de notre projet de ré/insertion scolaire d'enfants réfugiés syriens au Liban sur le terrain avec Daoud Matta et Nawal Mdallaly. ONG locale partenaire SAWAforDev.
Programme d'alphabétisation.

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