Our action 1999 - 2023
In the field since 25 years with more than 200 projects to our creditWHAT WE HAVE ACHIEVED SINCE 1999
Since the creation of Ushagram Switzerland in 1999, we have been able to collect 1,448,876 CHF (1.57 MM USD) from our institutional donors, i.e. an average close to 60,000 Fr per year (65k USD) – this, in the context of an activity (search for projects, background research, project management) taken from the free time of active members. Here is the summary of the more than 200 projects that we have been able to carry out (PDF version):

I N D I A (West Bengal and Orissa)
Education and training
- Construction of a rural public library
- Construction, renovation, expansion of 14 nursery schools and 2 primary schools
- Construction of two science rooms
- Funding of school programs
- Purchase of sports equipment for a hall
- School support for drop-out children
- Various literacy programs
- Equipment of computer training rooms
- Sponsorship of children’s education
- Participation in the construction of rural boarding schools and their development
- Participation in the construction of a 1000 m2 school with 20 rooms and a library
- Construction of playgrounds and sports ground
Handicraft, agriculture and production
- Construction of an agro-food production workshop (spices, honey, chutney, pickles, mustard, fruit juices, etc.) employing 80 people
- Beekeeping programme and production unit, construction and implementation
- Construction and support of a jute handicraft production centre employing 40 people
- Construction and support of an embroidery, batik and weaving production workshop employing 80 people.
- Implementation of training outside the production workshops
- Construction of an exhibition-sale space for artisanal production
- Sanitation of a batik dyeing centre (water treatment)
- Establishment of a sales network for artisanal products
- Construction of a grain silo
- Creation of vegetable gardens
- Reforestation and orchard plantations (thousands of trees)
- Training in grafting, horticulture, biodynamic agriculture
- Various handicraft training
- Organic farming pilot program
- Rainwater harvesting equipment for agricultural purposes
- Sanitation of 4 ponds and establishment of fish farming units
- Foot pumps for irrigation
- Construction of a model dairy farm (barn, outbuildings etc.) and purchase of cows
- Construction and equipment of a rural forge
- Installation of a biogaz plant connected to the cowshed for the site ktichen
Health, families, women
- General health, dental, eye (cataract operations), transfusion, malaria, TB camps
- Drilling of around twenty artesian wells (drinking water and irrigation)
- Support for 300 self-help groups of 15-20 women and microfinance (approx. 4,500 women)
- Construction of a women’s shelter
- Purchase of 100 biomass stoves for cooking, installation and training
- Sanitation and construction of public latrines
- Nutrition camps
Access, infrastructure, connectivity
- Rehabilitation of rural roads
- Installation of electric pumps to serve tribal hamlets
- Purchase and renovation of boat-shuttles to access tribal hamlets by a lake
- Construction of kitchen, dining hall and community hall
- Solar electrification of buildings
- Portable solar electrification for villagers’ huts
- Construction of public showers and latrines
- Housing construction for volunteers
- Construction of a dispensary and its warehouse

L E B A N O N (syrian refugees and disadvantaged lebanese) since 2016
- Handicraft training (sewing, embroidery, crochet, knitting) of 60 women, West Bekaa
- Training of 50 women in sewing and 35 families in cultivating aromatic plants, in Al Qaa, North East (syrian beduins)
- Access to drinking water for 100 refugee families in tents, Halba, North
- Installation and partial equipment of a training room for adults, Halba, North
- Vocational training of 120 women in cooking, canning and catering,
- Professional training of 32 teenagers in automotive mechanics / aesthetics
- Basic literacy and numeracy training for 725 refugee children with the aim to integrate them in the school system. In 3 years, 386 of them have integrated the public shool system, i.e. 130 a year.
Mostly Municipalities of Geneva Canton: Anières, Athénaz, Bardonnex, Bellevue, Bernex, Chêne-Bougeries, Chêne-Bourg, Choulex, Cologny, Collex-Bossy, Collonge-Bellerive, Confignon, Corsier, Genthod, Jussy, Laconnex, Lancy, Meinier, Meyrin, Onex, Plan-les-Ouates, Perly-Certoux, Prégny-Chambesy, Puplinge, Satigny, Thônex, Troinex, Vandoeuvres and Veyrier.